
Here are some links to websites that have information related to our case, to the issues that our case deals with, and to world-wide efforts to protect agriculture and food from the threat of GE contamination.

  • CBAN

    The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) promotes food sovereignty and democratic decision-making on science and technology issues in order to protect the integrity of the environment, health, food, and the livelihoods of people in Canada and around the world by facilitating, informing and organizing civil society action, researching, and providing information to government for policy development.

    CBAN facilitates collaborative campaigning at the local, regional, national and international levels; enables individual Canadians to take strategic and effective action; researches and monitors new technologies and provide credible information; and challenges government to transparency, accountability and democratic process CBAN is working with SOD OAPF on the No to GMO Alfalfa Campaign.

  • Deconstructing Dinnera radio program produced and recorded in the studios of Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, British Columbia, reports on current issues throughout the world of food, with a primary focus on local, regional and provincial issues. Listen to the program's three-part series on GMOs, health, the environment and future generations, "The GMO Trilogy."
  • National Farmers Union
  • International Ban Terminator Campaign Terminator technology refers to plants that have been genetically modified to render sterile seeds at harvest - it is also called Genetic Use Restriction Technology or GURTS. The Ban Terminator Campaign seeks to promote government bans on Terminator technology at the national and international levels, and supports the efforts of civil society, farmers, Indigenous peoples and social movements to campaign against it.
  • ETC Group is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights. To this end, ETC group supports socially responsible developments of technologies useful to the poor and marginalized and it addresses international governance issues and corporate power.
  • Oxfam is involved in promoting food security around the world - including here in Canada. Protecting family farming from the threat of GE wheat is part of this struggle. The World Food Day campaign is a focus for this issue.
  • Making The Links Radio is an independant community radio program that broadcasts in Saskatoon at 98.7 FM and on the internet. Under Archived programs, find SASKATCHEWAN ORGANIC FARMERS TAKE ON MONSANTO AND AVENTIS (features excerpts from the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate (SOD) press conference on January 10th announcing their class action suit. Also featured in this show is music from the benefit concert to raise money for the lawsuit including members of Wide Mouth Mason, Eileen Laverty, and the Mighty Spiffs.)
  • Greenpeace Canada's webpage on the GE Wheat campaign has links to the Greenpeace reports, "Against the Grain", on the multiple threats of GE wheat to farmers, marketers, consumers and the environment; "Genetic pollution - a multiplying nightmare" outlining numerous environmental risks; and "Genetically Engineered Wheat - Changing our Daily Bread" about specific environmental risks associated with GE wheat.
  • Western Organization of Resource Council's mission is to advance the vision of a democratic, sustainable, and just society through community action. WORC is committed to building sustainable environmental and economic communities that balance economic growth with the health of people and stewardship of their land, water, and air resources.
  • Northern Plains Resource Council is committed to protecting Montana's valuable wheat from genetic contamination and to maintaining farmer independence.
  • GE Food Alert is a coalition of seven organizations united in their commitment to testing and labeling genetically engineered food: Public Interest Research Group, National Environmental Trust, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Organic Consumers Asociation, Friends of the Earth, The Center for Food Safety, and Pesticide Action Network of North America.
  • Crop Choice is an alternative news and information source for American farmers and consumers about genetically modified crops, corporate agribusiness concentration, farm and trade policy, sustainable agriculture, wind farming and alternative energy, and rural economic and social issues.
  • Network of Concerned Farmers is a loose network of farmers who are concerned about the economic, environmental and social impacts of Genetic Engineering. The network aims to protect the rights of farmers to grow non GE crops. Due to the impossibility of co-existance and segregation, we are working to stop the release of GE crops in Australia.
  • Biological Farmers of Australia is the largest group representing organic farming and consumer interests in Australia. Read about their anti-GMO campaign here.
  • The British Soil Assocation is the UK's leading campaigning and certification organisation for organic food and farming. Check their library of publications on GMO issues, including
    • "Seeds of Doubt" the major report on the impacts of GMOs on North American agriculture.

Contact us

Arnold Taylor
Chair of OAPF Committee

Marc Loiselle
OAPF Communications and Research Director

Saskatchewan Organic Directorate
Organic Agriculture Protection Fund
Box 32066
RPO Victoria Square,
Regina SK S4N 7L2
